face feel

美 [feɪs fiːl]英 [feɪs fiːl]
  • 网络颜绯
face feelface feel
  1. It trails behind the eyes by one frame-close enough to make the face feel like a single unit , but delayed enough to give it its own sense of mass and reaction time .


  2. Feel my face , feel how it 's burning !


  3. I can see your face and feel your love and I ' m scared to make the final run alone .


  4. He had only to look at Sansa 's face to feel the rage twisting inside him once again .


  5. Because I am from the cloth doll face , feel the quiet joy sweeter than the candy brought with it a little to satisfy my heart .


  6. In the future , I know I 'll relive our time together a thousand times . I 'll hear your laughter and see your face and feel your arms around me .


  7. Something in his face made me feel douBt and fear .


  8. The look of reproach on his face made her feel guilty .


  9. I see your face , I feel your sadness , I feel your pain suddenly .


  10. People can directly face life , feel the world and express themselves in the course of painting or sketching from nature .


  11. Composition Teaching has always been the difficulty which both of educators and students have to face . Teachers feel tired to teach , and students feel difficult to learn .


  12. She had been ill , that was evident , and the sight of her pale , worn face made him feel both guilty and protective .


  13. So today saw ( can not tell you the name ) originally wanted to call him , but feel embarrassed , after all , he is the male students , to see his face , I feel strange strange ah well !


  14. Face the Nature and Feel the Beauty of Life & Analysis of Miss Homeland


  15. The warm wind sway my face softly and I feel very comfortable .


  16. He said : " with a smiling face , I always feel grace : excuse me . "


  17. Everytime when I wear face mask , I feel that the " pig " is one step near me .


  18. The sudden brilliance of her eyes , the radiance of her face , made him feel vaguely guilty .


  19. I pray that all beings will soon cross the sea of birth and death , so that I may not now need to face it and not feel the worry .


  20. Now , past smiling face already let you feel strange , solemn pledge of eternal love before did not appear a dynamics , as if all never have occurred .


  21. I love this face toner . I feel so refreshed & clean after I 've used it and have recommended this to several friends , who are also now using this toner .


  22. I like to stand in the beach to see the birds flying in the surface of the sea in the fresh morning , the sunshine illuminates on your face and makes you feel very warm .


  23. Colorful lights emanated from the windows of these tall buildings and illuminates the dark night ; the warm breeze of the ocean just caressed your face , you can feel it but you cannot see it .


  24. The simple act of smiling releases feel-good endorphins , improves circulation to the face , makes you feel good about yourself in general and can definitely increase your self confidence .... you will also appear more confident to others while you 're smiling .


  25. Men need to face , in front of outsiders try to give you the space and confidence there is a man face and let him feel that you respect him .
